Emily Young: Can Tea Party get priorities straight?
The media talks a lot about the Tea Party movement and its impact across the country. With two local groups, the movement is an active element in the Redding area.
View ArticleEmily Young: What do women need? A viable economy
It’s not every day that a state commission comes to the north state to hold hearings. Such was the case this past week when the California Commission on the Status of Women was in Redding.
View ArticleEmily Young: Can Redding rethink how it does business?
I’ve been away from Redding for the past two months. My summer included several weeks hiking in Switzerland. Ever since returning to the United States from that trip, I have had a gnawing feeling that...
View ArticleEmily Young: City needs to start from zero
Having listened to a debate among the 10 Redding City Council candidates, I am worried. With one or two exceptions, most have limited understanding of city finances. Plus most lack a clearly...
View ArticleEmily Young: We must open our eyes to teen parents
This coming week, many of us will gather with family and loved ones to celebrate Thanksgiving. For some, that family is composed of teenage parents and their young child. It is an image far too common...
View ArticleEmily Young: For nonprofits, it's survival of the fittest
It’s that time of year when many of us turn to giving and thinking about others. For nonprofit organizations, that’s their year-round job. But given the state of the economy, I wonder how many...
View ArticleEmily Young: Jerry Brown's wily strategy
Gov. Jerry Brown's proposed state budget strategy is clever.
View ArticleEmily Young: Reform? Yes, but no race to bottom
The recent elimination of collective bargaining rights for most Wisconsin public employees seems far removed from Redding. Yet the resentment found in Wisconsin toward public unions also exists here...
View ArticleEmily Young: Bogged down in the status quo
Today is Palm Sunday, which begins the holiest eight days of the Christian year.Today marks the triumphant arrival of Jesus of Nazareth into Jerusalem, where he will be put to death and then is seen...
View ArticleEmily Young: A perfect storm for Shasta County
Some people can generalize from specific circumstances to see the bigger picture. Others can apply broad concepts to their own particular situation. If ever there were a time when people need to use...
View ArticleEmily Young: Lax rules let city go to pot
We've all been there. With the best of intentions, we do something and then discover our actions were a bad idea. It takes courage, maturity and humility to admit one's mistakes and try to correct the...
View ArticleEmily Young: A tour of economic woe
Sometimes it's good to get away. Traveling provides an opportunity to see new sights, experience new things, talk with people who live elsewhere, and get a fresh perspective.
View ArticleEmily Young: Colleges need a new direction
A national debate is under way about how to get people back to work quickly. These are only temporary solutions. There is a deafening silence when it comes to long-term solutions that global...
View ArticleEmily Young: Civil-rights veteran's path of hope
Three weeks ago, I had the opportunity to spend some time with a civil rights movement leader, Dr. Bernard LaFayette Jr. He is a gentle, humble man with a quick smile and optimistic nature. His views...
View ArticleEmily Young: We must accept the new reality
It's time elected officials in Washington spoke the truth about the economic challenges facing our nation. Our country's economic problems are profound and will take years to resolve. There are limits...
View ArticleEmily Young: Wishing for year of humility, grace
The year is quickly coming to an end. Christmas is next Sunday and New Year's is two weeks away. Many people can't wait for 2011 to be over.
View ArticleEmily Young: Baby boomers must pay our share
It's a root cause of our country's current economic problems, and when it happened is uncertain. The "it" is the baby boomers — my generation — no longer caring about our children's futures.
View ArticleEmily Young: Is county coping with prison shift?
In the midst of most government budgets continuing to be cut or stabilizing at best, there is one program growing here in Shasta County — a program for county residents convicted of low-level offenses.
View ArticleEmily Young: The dandelions on Knighton Road
Dandelions. You think you've gotten rid of them, and suddenly they pop up again. That's the image that came to mind when I learned about the Knighton and Churn Creek Commons retail center.
View ArticleEmily Young: Can we get past the fifth grade?
Sometimes I wonder if I understand anything. Maybe it's good not to be too certain. That way, there's always opportunity to broaden one's thinking and understanding. There's room to grow.
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